Kindly share your ideas to resolve above challenge through e-mail..
For best methodology, we will give reward 4750/-
Curious Challenge
Problem Statement:
ERP For School / College
Enquiries, Admission, Fees Management, Attendance, Time-Table, Inventory
Kindly share your ideas to resolve above challenge through e-mail..
For best methodology, we will give reward 1800/-
Curious Challenge
Problem Statement:
Extract Information through Google Map
Email, Mobile No, Address, Name
Kindly share your ideas to resolve above challenge through e-mail..
For best methodology, we will give reward 2500/-
Curious Challenge
Problem Statement:
Educational Portal
Login-Logout, Display Digital Notes, Question-Answer, Performance Analysis
Kindly share your ideas to resolve above challenge through e-mail..
For best methodology, we will give reward 1500/-
Curious Challenge
Problem Statement:
WhatsApp Messengers to Send
Image, Text, PDF, Sticker
Kindly share your ideas to resolve above challenge through e-mail..
For best methodology, we will give reward 501/-
Curious Challenge
Problem Statement:
अनुमान है,
दुनिया में 82 करोड़ लोगों के पास पर्याप्त भोजन नहीं है..
वहीं हर साल एक अरब टन भोजन बेकार फेंका जाता है.
Collect Parallel English-Hindi
Objective: Fix Following Heading
English Sentence
Hindi Sentence
Note: Don't Translate English to Hindi Using Google Translator or any other Translator
Collect Email Id of Industry
Objective: Fix Following Heading
SN, Name, e-mail ID
URL, State, City, Country
Industry Domain
Domain: Web Page; Bid (Start - Rs 251)
Give Commitment firstly through email asap
You have to make a HTML Code.
Objective: A web page can read/use One Time by a reader from a device and from next time user will be asked to registered first.
Natural Language Processing; Bid (Start - Rs 251)
Give Commitment firstly through email asap
You have to make a HTML page.
Given: A parallel English-Hindi List.
Input:You have to upload in Webpage.
Output: According to given you have to search and output on Webpage.